Tag: Dentist

The Dangers of Letting a Toothache, Abscess, or Infection Go Untreated

The Dangers of Letting a Toothache, Abscess, or Infection Go Untreated

When a patient experiences pain in their teeth, there is usually an underlying or root cause for their pain. The source of the pain will need to be identified and eliminated in order to permanently relieve the symptoms that the patient is experiencing.   A 

How Poor Dental Hygiene Impacts Your Health

How Poor Dental Hygiene Impacts Your Health

Oral health refers to matters that involve the oral cavity of the human anatomy. It often involves a proactive approach that emphasizes proper brushing and flossing, while also visiting one’s dentist at least twice a year for checkups and dental cleanings.   Poor dental hygiene 

What is Proper Dental Work?

What is Proper Dental Work?

If you hate visiting the dentist, let me assure you that you are not alone. For a long time, I dreaded my yearly appointment with my orthodontist with vigor and gusto. There were even instances where I conveniently forgot an appointment made and rescheduled…several times. 

Everything You Need To Know About Invisalign for Teenagers

Everything You Need To Know About Invisalign for Teenagers

Invisalign is currently a popular way to straighten teeth without using metal braces. ‘Reports state that mainly women between 20 and 29 years of age were interested in Invisalign treatment, chiefly for esthetic reasons.   If you are a teenager self-conscious about your smile, Invisalign 

4 Things To Know Before Visiting A Dentist In Mission Viejo

4 Things To Know Before Visiting A Dentist In Mission Viejo

With a population of 93,653 people and 21 constituent neighborhoods, Mission Viejo is the 81st largest community in California. As a great place for families to stay, Mission Viejo has a high rate of owner-occupied residences. Many people need dental care and visit the dentist 

Reasons To Avoid Over-The-Counter Dental Products

Reasons To Avoid Over-The-Counter Dental Products

You may or may not have heard the horror stories of people who have damaged their teeth and gums using take-home teeth whitening kits. Anyway, they are out there and even following the instructions can leave you in some discomfort. So how did this ‘over-the-counter’ 

Dental Secrets for Brighter Teeth and Smile

Dental Secrets for Brighter Teeth and Smile

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a sparkling smile? A whiter set of teeth can significantly improve your smile and appearance. Teeth whitening is a common cosmetic dentistry practice these days. You can achieve a brighter and a healthier smile much more easily than you 

The Best Ways To Close the Gaps Between Your Teeth

The Best Ways To Close the Gaps Between Your Teeth

Do the gaps between your teeth make you feel self-conscious or cause you to have difficulty eating or speaking? Today, many treatments are available to correct inconsistent spacing between your teeth. These are common treatments and the conditions they correct.   Early Prevention   Your 

Six Reasons Why You Should Visit a Dentist

Six Reasons Why You Should Visit a Dentist

You may not think twice about visiting your dentist, but the truth is that there are many reasons why you should visit them. If you want to keep your teeth in tip-top shape and ensure that you don’t have any issues with tooth decay or 

How to Take Care of Your Oral Health

How to Take Care of Your Oral Health

Taking care of our oral health is as important as taking care of our physical health. We need to make sure that all of our teeth are healthy so we can have a generally healthy lives. If we have teeth that aren’t as healthy as